Workshop LLMs and the Patterns of Human Language Use
- funded by the DFG, Weizenbaum Institute, Technical University of Berlin
- organized by Anna Strasser, Bettina Berendt, Christoph Durt, Sybille Krämer
- at the Weizenbaum Institute Berlin
- August 2024
- more info
A Novel Approach to Artificial Intelligence that builds on Phenomenological Philosophy
- funded by the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program (Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND)
- led by Christoph Durt
- at the FRIAS/University of Freiburg
- 2021–23
AI and its Integration into the World of Human Meaning and Experience
- funded by the VolkswagenFoundation
- led by Prof. Julian Nida-Rümelin and Christoph Durt
- interdisciplinary workshops with scholars in AI science, psychology, literature science
- at the Parmenides Foundation, Pullach
- 2020–21
Minimal Self
- funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship)
- led by Prof. Matthew Ratcliffe and Christoph Durt
- at the University of Vienna
- international workshop The Paradox of Subjectivity
- international workshop Perspectives on the Minimal Self
- 2016–18
- more on project page
Die Grundstruktur menschlicher Erfahrung: Minimales Selbst, Intersubjektivität und Verkörperung
- funded by the DFG
- part of the excellence initiative Cultural Dynamics in Globalised Worlds
- led by Christoph Durt
- 2015–16
The Interplay of Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture
- funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Experienced Researcher)
- part of the network Towards an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity (TESIS)
- led by Prof. Thomas Fuchs and Christoph Durt
- at the University of Heidelberg
- international conference Enacting Culture: Embodiment, Interaction and the Development of Human Culture
- 2013–14